Thursday, August 14, 2014

POP! Frozen Vinylmation

I get home from a long day at work, and as I pull up into the driveway, I see a package at the front door.
I know I ordered a few things earlier in the week, but didn't think it was for me.

I place the package down on the table and saw that the package was from Entertainment Earth.  After I saw that, I knew what it was.  But I couldn't believe that it arrived so fast.

I open the box to see that it is indeed two of the five items I had ordered.

I was surprised as to how fast they arrived as they were ordered, shipped and arrived within a week
I can't wait to receive the other Frozen vinyls when they are released.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy the Frozen Vinylmation.  Barnes and Noble had them for pre-order.  Once I decided that I wanted to purchase them, Barnes and Noble was sold out.  I was a little disappointed that I waited.  

Then last week I saw .

Entertainment Earth 

Entertainment Earth