-Disney California Adventure -
These two turnstiles have moved over to the far right, behind the letter "A"
More of the mural has been taken down on the east side
Taking a look at CarsLand from the parade route
Scaffolding has now been placed in front of the Little Mermaid attraction
The tarp has been taken down to reveal the side wall for the Little Mermaid attraction
Looking at Mullholland Madness
Side view of the Little Mermaid attraction
Artificial pine trees are now being placed on the hillside of CarsLand
Taking a ride on Mickey's Fun Wheel
Is that building Radiator Springs Curios ?
Another look at the newly placed trees, likely just for seeing how they look for now
Framework for one of the Cozy Cone Motel looks to be up in place
Icee Blue water
Some new track seen
Could these be from the species Pinus Ponderosa ?
Hey, Look! I am over here. Come and say hi to me
It seems that the times have been changed for "Disney Channel Rocks!". For Thursday, the times were supposedly 10:30, 11:30, 12:20, and 13:10. But it turns out that only three shows are being given for the time being
Some people out there feel that Disney is cheapening out by having a flat wall. Some have referred to New Orleans and how some shops were built along side Pirates show building.
But looking at it, it doesn't look like there would be room. Remember : World of Color uses this area for their shows. So to have an exit for Little Mermaid, possibly extended queue, World of Color usage, having shops along side wouldn't be very practical.
Some more CarsLand shots
Looking at the track map and possible stops for the Red Car Trolley
These look to be parade lights that will extend upward, unlike Disneyland's Main Street parade lights
- Disneyland -
Man, it looks busy!
I don't know the full story, just going by what I can gather. But it seems that some sort of valve had broke, possibly dealing with an air supply flow. Whether or not that is the case, I am not sure.
The Star Tours sign has been replaced with a smooth grafic
Disneyland Twitter posted that new Fuzzball and Hooter stuff plush were available at Star Trader, so I went to go check it out
Also some new arrivals at Star Trader for the new movie Tron Legacy
Heading out and looking across the Plaza
Walking along Harbor
Checking the backside of CarsLand
And for your shopping convenience...
- Greeting's -
These guys are everywhere!
That will about do it for today.
Thanks to all of you out there for taking the time and checking out my pictures
Until next time....