Back from my week long vacation and had some time to stop by at the Disneyland Resort to see what I missed on my normal Thursday outing.
The new Stroller / Wheelchair rental place. The tram driver announced the new location 3 times and yet I still saw Guests go inside and realize they moved it
Gift Fulfillment? Never did find out where it was
The walls taken down around the thing-a-ma-jig
Part of the platform submerged
Some fountain testing
The guide map mentions the new Little Mermaid attraction coming soon
Uh-oh, what happened here
The walls shifted over this past week for Little Mermaid construction
Almost all the lamp posts along the street have been removed
Another look at the new stroller / wheelchair rental place
Man, they brought back the celebration lamp post flower pots
Frontierland entrance getting refurbished
Peeking over the 6' high tarp
Taking a ride on the Mansion
Dry river
Taking a ride on Small World Holiday
Getting ready for the Capt'n
Starcade still with it's orange tiles
Thanks for looking
Until next time...