Saturday, September 26, 2015

Not A Whole Lot Going On At The Disneyland Resort, Until I Spotted A Turquoise Car Testing At Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters

Sorry I am late posting this weeks pictorial.

You see, I took a good friend of mine to go see Aladdin at the El Capitan Theatre, and the only day that we both could see it was on a Friday evening.

So without further a doo-doo, let's go visit the Disneyland Resort

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Mickey, Mouse
Don't be mad, bro

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Merchandise
Christmas ornamnets
Mickey with his favorite stuffed friend, Duffy

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Merchandise
At first, I thought these were like strawberry people.
But up close, they are Minnie Mouse head shaped ornaments
These look like they could be in a parade of some sort, maybe the Christmas Parade

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Merchandise
Cute mugs

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Merchandise

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Star, Wars, Treasures
Treasures in Paradise selling Star Wars merchandise

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Bay, Divers, World, Color
Divers in the Bay

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Silly, Symphony, Swings, Cast, Member, CM
Man, I feel sorry for the Cast Members working Silly Symphony Swings.
They have nothing to block the sun.
I wonder how difficult it is to watch for Guest safety when you're blinded by the sun

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time,, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Silly, Symphony, Swings, Cast, Member, CM
At least she's improvising.
Even with sunglasses on, she still needs help blocking out the sun.

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Mickey, Fun, Wheel, Cars Land, Luigi, Flying, Tires, Rollickin, Roadsters, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb
Looking over at Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters, we see that the orange car is out on the field.
We have seen the orange car a number of times being tested over the past month.

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Mickey, Fun, Wheel, Cars Land, Luigi, Flying, Tires, Rollickin, Roadsters, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb
But... some time later, we see another car.
This time, a turquoise colored car

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Mickey, Fun, Wheel, Cars Land, Luigi, Flying, Tires, Rollickin, Roadsters, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Paradise, Pier, Mickey, Fun, Wheel, Cars Land, Luigi, Flying, Tires, Rollickin, Roadsters, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Cars Land, Radiator, Springs, Racers
Speaking of Cars,
Guests enjoying Radiator Springs Racers.
This part always make my stomach tickle

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Cars Land, Radiator, Springs, Racers

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Cars Land, Radiator, Springs, Racers

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Cars Land, Luigi, Flying, Tires, Rollickin, Roadsters, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb
The "G" was kept in Flying.
But it will be removed for Rollickin'

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Off, Page, Book

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Off, Page, Book

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Disneyland, Disney, Decade, Merchandise

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Hollywood Land, Animation, Academy, Billboard, Sandwich, Board, Character, Draw
Want to learn to draw a specific character?
Well, this new sandwich sign out front of the Animation Building can help you.
It displays the characters and what time the learning class starts

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Officer, Blue
Officer Blue ... and white

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Officer, Blue
Working the street of Buena Vista Street

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Five, Dime

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, Peak

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, River, Run, Splash, Down, Rafts, Waterfall
It's getting warm fast.
Grizzly River Run is a hit when it comes to warm weather

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time,, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, River, Run, Splash, Down, Rafts, Waterfall

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time,, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, River, Run, Splash, Down, Rafts, Waterfall

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time,, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, River, Run, Splash, Down, Rafts, Waterfall

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time,, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, River, Run, Splash, Down, Rafts, Waterfall

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time,, Disney California Adventure, Grizzly, River, Run, Splash, Down, Rafts, Waterfall
Splash Zone

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Candy, Trolley, Treats
Halloween treats at the Trolley Candy Treats

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disney California Adventure, Buena, Vista, Street, Candy, Trolley, Treats


Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Floral, Mickey
Floral Mickey all decked out for Halloween Time
Disneyland is still celebrating the diamond celebration, so can't forget the diamond

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Omnibus
Two omnibuses

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Sleeping, Beauty, Castle, Bling, Diamond, Dazzle, Bedazzle

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Sleeping, Beauty, Castle, Bling, Diamond, Dazzle, Bedazzle

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Sleeping, Beauty, Castle, Bling, Diamond, Dazzle, Bedazzle

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Sleeping, Beauty, Castle, Bling, Diamond, Dazzle, Bedazzle
Did you hear?
That the Diamond celebration will last all the way until September 5, 2016
This will be just shy of a 16 month celebration

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Poison, Apple, Souvenir, Mug
This is no ordinary apple mug.
It's a magic wishing apple mug.

A wishing apple mug?

Yes, One drink, and all your dreams come true
Now, make a wish, and take a sip

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Poison, Apple, Souvenir, Mug

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars, Launch, Bay, Innoventions
Innoventions turning into the Star Wars Launch Bay

Star Wars The Force Awakens Battleship Game Star Wars VII BB-8 Pop! Vinyl Bobble Head Star Wars Force Awakens Black Series Kylo Ren 6-Inch Figure Star Wars VII BB-8 Molded Ceramic Mug

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars, Launch, Bay, Innoventions

Star Wars Force Awakens Arch Carry All Tin Lunch Box Set Star Wars Force Awakens Large Carry All Tin Lunch Box Set

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars, Launch, Bay, Innoventions
Star Wars VII Rebel 16 oz. Glass Tumbler Star Wars VII First Order Kylo Ren 16 oz. Glass Tumbler Star Wars VII First Order Captain Phasma 10 oz Glass Tumbler Star Wars VII Millennium Falcon Chewbacca Glass Tumbler

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars, Launch, Bay, Innoventions
Star Wars VII Snow Desert Figures Wave 2 Case Star Wars VII Black Series 6-Inch Action Figures Wave 1 Case

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars, Launch, Bay, Innoventions

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars, Launch, Bay, Innoventions

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Star, Wars
In two months, Space Mountain will be transformed into Hyper Space Mountain, as part of Season of the Force

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Jedi, Academy, Stage, Terrace

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Buzz, Lightyear, Astro, Blasters, FastPass, Fast, Pass
Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters still offering FastPass

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Butterfly, Butterflies, Nature
Butterflies fluttering around in the planters at the entrance to Tomorrowland

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Butterfly, Butterflies, Nature

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Butterfly, Butterflies, Nature

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Butterfly, Butterflies, Nature
They're ... twitterpated

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Frontierland, Big, Thunder, Ranch
Soon, this will be gone to make way for Star Wars Land

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Frontierland, Big, Thunder, Ranch

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Frontierland, Big, Thunder, Ranch

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Pumpkin, Disneyland, Frontierland, Big, Thunder, Ranch

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Frontierland, Mark, Twain
In preparation for the building of the Star Wars Land, work will require several attractions to be closed temporarily.
Majority of attractions closing will be those using the Rivers of America as well as the Disneyland Railroad

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Frontierland, Rivers, America

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Frontierland, Rivers, America

Just think, for a year (give or take), these attractions will be not be operating.
No Fantasmic!
No cruises around the River aboard a steamboat or an 18th-century sea vessel
No exploring on the island, in search of Pirate treasure.
None of that for a year.

So it will affect those who visit Disneyland on a weekly and daily basis

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Hatbox, Ghost, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Haunted, Mansion, Holiday, Christmas, Time

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Mickey, Trick, Treat, Merchandise, Shirt

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, New, Orleans, Square, Pirates, Caribbean, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb, Queue, Paint
Walking by, the scent of this was so strong, my stomach started to turn.
Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, New, Orleans, Square, Pirates, Caribbean, Refurbishment, Refurbish, Refurb, Queue, Paint
No wonder why they have masks on.

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Emporium, Mr, Toad, Plush
Mr Toad plush

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Emporium, Frozen, Ears, Elsa

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Emporium, Frozen, Ears, Elsa

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Emporium, Frozen, Ears, Elsa

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Emporium, Frozen, Ears, Elsa

Disneyland Resort, Disneyland60, Halloween, Time, Disneyland, Close, Early, Mickey, Trick, Treat, Party, Sign
On a Friday too

That will conclude this weeks Disneyland Resort pictorial
Thanks for stopping by and checking it out

Feel free to leave a comment

Until Next Time...