I guess a made a right decision. Because as I walked along Harbor Blvd, there were a lot of other people walking towards the Disneyland Resort. Later on I overheard some Guests talking about "Snow Week".
When I got there around 9:45am, this is what it looked like just to get into Disney California Adventure. Disneyland had already opened, so the lines weren't as long.
Finally getting in with about four minutes to spare until the Park opens.
Wow! Look at this line. Is it for Toy Story Midway Mania? The Little Mermaid? ...
... nope! It's to get a World of Color Fast Pass ticket for the one performance today
Work being done on the Rushin' River Outfitters.
And work continues over at Grizzly River Rapids. The extension of the boardwalk is coming along
Some of the tarps have been taken down
Because it was busy and I had to get to the Fun Wheel before it got busy, I thought I would make it back in the Grizzly area again But as the day went on, I totally forgot about stopping in the area again
Paradise Pier shops
Notice anything different? If you look in between the red and blue gondola, you will notice a new red rail
And next to the gate, another red rail (left near the white lamp post).
This is a redesign with the hopes that it will help with efficiency by directing Guests to the swinging gondola exit so the red gondola can be loaded faster.
Looking at Cars Land mountain range
Cozy Cone Motel
Looking over at Luigi's Flying Tires
Supposedly the walls may come down tomorrow and we will see a curb less street
The backside of Radiator Springs Racers entrance marquee
Getting ready for repainting of the Pacific Wharf bridge. I wonder if it is going to be the same blue as it was before or if they are going to change it to the a green color like they have been doing in the Pier
This pathway was suppose to be closed today with access in and out of Pacific Wharf available by way of the Boudin Bakery. But it was still open today.
Filmore's can be seen behind the trees
Don't know if this fence by Mater's Junkyard Jamboree is new or not
The metal frame is getting covered up by wood
The backside
Looking over at the queue of Mater's Junkyard Jamboree
Hmmm, why no shots of the "main street" of Cars Land ...
Because they had the Blue Sky Cellar patio section closed off.
Buena Vista Street construction
Some of the detail work on the facade
Looking over at Elias & Company
Carthay Circle Theatre
Because it was almost 11am, I thought I would catch Minnies Fly Girls Charter Airlines
This will be my first time seeing the show
Just some pictures of the show
It even had talking Minnie!
Minnies Fly Girls Charter Airlines was actually pretty good! It had a lot of humor in it and a lot of Disney references for the time period it is portraying. I can't wait for my friend to see this show.
Over in Hollywood Pictures Backlot, the farthest part of the street is up in tarps
Another look at Carthay Circle Theatre
Heading out of Disney California Adventure
Some detailing ... which I think is for the Monorail bridge. I can't recall right off hand what I (we) may be looking at here at the moment
Monorail bridge work
Can see the curve of the under portion for the bridge
Disneyland time
Mattehron with it's snow
New and old paint job of the Matterhorn
The Columbia was docked at the station
The Mark Twain was docked over by Harbor Galley
Restocking the boat with life jackets
With the new beard/goatee rule being allowed for male cast members, I think in this instance it works for this particular cast member
Orange Monorail was being tested
Water dummies inside the Orange Monorail
During this time the Disneyland Monorail was closed.
Looking at the Matterhorn, waiting for the Monorail to open
After a few runs of the Monorails, Red came back. It looked like it might open again for Guests. But was told that Monorail Orange did not pass its test and to check back. Waiting a bit longer in the area and just as I was about to leave, the phone box next to the Cast Member buzzed. I waited to see if it would bring good news. And it did. Although only Monorail Red would be in service with departures every 12 minutes.
Waiting for Monorail Red. The old Rocket Rod track looks like it's been cleaned
Buena Vista Street as seen from the Monorail
Quite a bit of progress in front of Elias & Company, where the new Walt and Mickey statue will be placed
It does look like the Rocket Rod track has been cleaned up
With only one monorail in service, the line was stretching all the down the ramp
Time to head out...
Getting another glimpse at the entrance of Buena Vista Street
That will conclude today's pictorial
Thanks for your patience and stopping by to check it out
Until Next Time...