Now the Training Academy will offer a chance to pre-register for a particular show time, allowing an opportunity to train with a Jedi Master.

A small line is already in place by the Little Green Men Store Command

The Cast Member asks who is participating and to find out their ages, to make sure they qualify.

If they meet the age requirement, they will ask for their name and which time they would like to perform in

Depending on their show time, a particular color wrist band will be given.
Registration for the Jedi Academy will be available until all sessions are full.
Those who signed up and registered will be told to return back to the Little Green Men Store Command 15 minutes before their show performance to receive their robes and instructions
Back at 10:15 p.m.

The cabinet with the robes are brought out to the Little Green Men Store Command location

Guests who are in the 10:30 a.m. performance are being let in

The young ones give their name and the Cast Members search to make sure they are scheduled for that show performance

Now it's time for the robes to be handed out

Back at the Jedi Training Academy (Tomorrowland Terrace)
Not a whole lot of people waiting to see the show.
I guess if it's not random selection, why bother watching other people's kids

It's time for the Jedi Training Academy to begin

Those participating are escorted from the Little Green Men Store Command and led down the center ramp and into the designated training area

Cut to the left shoulder
Cut to the right shoulder
Cut to the left leg
Cut to the left leg
Cut to the right left
Cut to the head!
I sense a disturbance in the force

Younglings, to the stairs on the side of the stairs

Darth Vader, to what do we owe this visit

I come with an offer for even greater journey
Join me, and I will complete your training
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side

I think fighting against Darth Maul is better than fighting Darth Vader.
He seems to be involved

Vader ... just stands there.

It's time for a Force Push!

Darth Vader doesn't like to loose

You have taught them well.
But their power is weak

We suggest you leave

Students. Congratulations
You have proven you are worthy of the teachings of a Jedi

Business casual Cast Members were on hand after the show asking questions pertaining to the show and the test procedure
I think what would have been beneficial was to have one of those registration signs at the Terrace stage. That way, Guests who want to participate, know where to go.
If the designating viewing area is any indication, to have "full" shows, maybe the random selection would still be better than registering.
I wonder if this all comes from people who voiced their concern about having visited the Training Academy multiple times and their child(ren) never get picked. I thought the whole random picking added to the excitement. It reminded me of the first four contestants chosen on The Price Is Right. But I guess if one tries multiple times and never gets chosen, it can probably get very tiring.
Just likefor FastPass, the early bird gets the lightsaber.