Monday, August 30, 2010

Take A Look - 1996 Tokyo Disneyland Guide Map

The other day, I was going through some boxes and found quite a number of things that I had forgotten that I had. One of the things that was lying on top was a Guide Map of Tokyo Disneyland from 1996.

Just like Disneyland and Walt Disney World ( I don't know about Euro Disney) did away with their Guide Books and moved to more of a fold out style pamphlet, Tokyo Disneyland followed the same pattern. It is obvious that this was the year Tokyo Disneyland opened ToonTown as it's newest land for the park.

The front cover

The map unfolded

You will notice that Tokyo Disneyland was still using the coupon books for admission to the attractions

Four years earlier, Critter Country was the newest land

Attractions that are no longer there:

Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour 
The Mickey Mouse Revue
Skyway to Tomorrowland
Jolly Trolley 

And the Tea Cups are in it's original location before it was moved closer to the Carousel  to make way for Pooh's Hunny Hunt 

Meet the World
Captain EO (which currently returned for a limited run)
Skyway to Fantasyland

Advertising what can be found in ToonTown

the back cover

Thanks for looking

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nearing Summer's End

The past couple of days it has been hot. It has been reaching up in the high 90's and into 100º.  Four days ago, Monday August 23, it was the first day that all the Annual Passholders were unblocked and able to come to the Parks to catch the last week of the Summer Nightastic! promotion.  But with the high temperatures, and with schools being in session, the Parks have not been that busy.

You may notice in some of the pictures how there are not a lot of people in the shots. That is how the parks felt!  With the expectations of it being hot and possibly busy, it was actually kind of nice not to have to deal with crowds.

-Disney California Adventure-

What happened to that big sign that was displayed when the path first opened?!? Now it's just one of those small stands

The big Screamin' tube fully painted the new blue color

This fountain is having an on-again, off-again thing going on

-Mickey's Fun Wheel-

A closer look at the new blue

I had noticed that some of the other attractions that normally had the small portable signs had been replaced with these new ones that are taller and have a nice frame, kind of like the ones that are at the Golden Gate bridge

It looks so clean and organized. What's missing?!?

Oh yeah! the merchandise cart. It is now closed, YES!

A popular spot for the young crowd

Another sign

Once emerged from A Bug's Land, walls.

I don't know why I am fascinated by this wig wag, but for some reason, I am

Heading back out

HPB without Glow Fest

Some scaffolding on the faux sky

The times on the marquee have been taken down. Possibly not to confuse Guests that there might be an entrance (??)


What's that in the windows of the Disney Showcase?

Halloween! Let's go in and take a look

(the next set of pictures were taken last night)

Some walls for the Disney Clothiers

Even the sign is themed well

Cumulus clouds loom in the background

The Star Tours sign seeing some slight demolition

Weren't there some air condition vents above the menus before?

Alice, still as popular. One of these days I am going to have to ride it while it still has the vine catwalks

A very active river

Adventureland is a breeze to walk through

Shows what kind of day it was at Disneyland

Nice Haunted Mansion chess set

Well, it's time to head back home...

While on the Toy Story bus, I noticed this sign.  Do people still use radios?

Thanks for looking
Until next time!