Getting to the Disneyland Resort around 9:40 am.
I think I would scream my head off too if the person next to me was trying to steer us off course
It's a hair whipping ride
Red the Fire Truck going backstage
Some more cool merchandise for 2013
This folds out...
..into this.
Flags were half staffed in memory of Senator Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii
Still a hefty crowd heading into Disneyland
With the Candlelight Procession over, the Main Street train station is returning to normal.
A quick look inside the Market House
He just hopes he doesn't get moved or worse, removed, from the Market House
Princess Fantasy Faire construction
The Evil Queen!
Even evil is popular
The old Princess Fantasy Faire sign at the Fantasyland theatre has been removed.
Detail work on the control booth at the Fantasyland theater
Cinderella waves to me as I walk by
Recently the bunny tea cup went missing. Don't know how long it's been back, but ... it's back
Casey Jr Circus train was having some sort of technical difficulties
So to pass the time and to create "Magic" for the Guests, the Cast Members placed a Disney pin trading board
Why ride a train when you can Pin trade?
Big Thunder Mountain before it goes down for a long refurbishment
I have seen so many happy faces today
Riding the Omnibus back to Town Square so I can head home
That will conclude today's pictorial
Thanks for stopping by