Copyright Disney / David Roark
Cinderella's new ball gown first appeared at the "Limited Time Magic" press announcement at Times Square in New York.Let's go back a couple of days ago to Disneyland to see the difference
Oct 19, 2012
Oct 21,2012
And the following screen captures are to compare the face character's ball gown and hair to the one seen in Walt Disney's animated classic Cinderella
My thoughts....
The first thing I noticed was the hair. The previous hair resembled more from the Walt Disney animated classic "Cinderella". The sleeves on the new gown, I think if they had the wire ring inside to make them more pointed, it would resemble more from the animated movie.
What I did like is the shape of the dress. The way the dress is shaped is more like a ball gown compared to the previous dress which was more slender in appearance.