First sight of Disney California Adventure. Looks like they are installing flags on the flag pole. But they look a little stiff.
They're fake! That's why. ha ha
The Carthay Circle Theatre almost completely covered in tarps
The "interactive" fountain at the Paradise Palisades was turned on today. But no one was anywhere around to enjoy it. Of course, around 10:30am it was turned off so that Guests could get their spots for Disney Channel Rocks
- Mickey's Fun Wheel -
Now that the Paradise Pier restaurants and Goofy's Sky School have opened, Cars Land is pretty much the only focus from the Fun Wheel
Work on Cars Land
Over at Mater's Junkyard Jamboree, finally some noticeable work can be seen
Looks like the turn tables for the ride vehicles
Screamin' was having technical difficulties so it didn't open when the Park opened. Some test trains were sent in motion and a line formed.
Another look at the structure taking place at Mater's Junkyard Jamboree
The parade gate is now blank. Remember how it had a sun with the words "Paradise Pier" on top and a banner stating "Fun in the Sun for Everyone". Hopefully if they do place another graphic on it that it will be period themed.
With the restaurants not opening till later, the patio are was nice a quiet
The old P.T. Fleas structure was still closed off from Guests
How viewing a parade from the covered dinning area would look like
One of two big cranes that were very visible in Disney California Adventure
This blends in with the Mexican restaurant that it can be easily missed
Sweet Adventure
Another view of the crane at Mater's Junkyard Jamboree
That boulder on top reminds me of the balancing rocks from the extinct Mine Train Thru Natures Wonderland attraction
Some updated pictures inside the Blue Sky Cellar
A look at the "pump house"
Looks like they installed the far right flag
Another look at the flag. My initial thought would that they would have used real flags. I think it would have complimented the flags that could be seen at the Main Street train station since those are real.
These flags should be facing outward towards Disneyland. Since the wind tends to head out towards that direction due to the sea breeze
Looks like the letters are going to be installed soon
Just some random questions that ran through my mind. Could this be a temporary placement until real flags come in? Or are these flags permanent. If they are temporary, why would they spend the money to create these? Was there something about the real flags that they didn't like and because of the delay, they knew they would need something up there because this entrance will be opening soon?
If these are permanent, I do not have any problems with them.
These flags remind me of these....
Ugh! ha ha
A look at.. what else, flags. ;)
Looks like the refurbishment work at the Rocket has completed
BOO! the Monorail was closed due to technical difficulties. Apparently they had problems the day before. Because of the closure, could get shots over the construction walls of both the Carthay Circle Theatre and the new Disney California Adventure entrance
The kind of wait times found at Disneyland. And this was around 11:45am
While they are at it, they might as make all these flags fake as well. ;) Kidding of course
Another look at the entrance of Disney California Adventure from outside the gates of Disneyland.
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Until next time...